Program Review Training

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Academic Services PAR Training

Tuesday 9/12 College Hour 12 pm - 1 pm Online Zoom

This training will cover the “How to complete your PAR的步骤,通过一些更复杂的学术问题 服务模板,并向您显示可用的表格仪表板和数据讲义 从研究、规划和机构效率办公室获得支持 you in reflecting on the work of your area. If you have already started your PAR and you have a question, please send it to,, or 我们会尽力在培训中回答. There will also be time for any additional Q & A at the end.


Wednesday 9/20 1 pm - 2 pm Online Zoom

This training will cover the “How to complete your PAR的步骤,简单地通过学生/行政服务/办公室 总统PAR模板,并回答有关如何完成您的 Fall 2023 PAR. 如果你已经开始你的PAR,你有问题,请 email it to,, or 我们会尽力在培训中回答. There will also be time for any additional Q & A at the end. 

Training PowerPoint

SAO Training PPT

这个幻灯片解释了如何定义SAO,了解不同类型的SAO, 如何在以前的par中查找现有的sao,以及如何评估sao.

Training "Visual How To" Guides

  1. How to Use Institutional Research Data to Assess SAOs
  2. 如何将机构研究数据用于学术服务par

Training Videos

Website Instructions and Explanations


如何完成你的回顾:一步一步的步骤1 - 5


How to submit your Fall 2022 PAR

How to submit your Fall 2022 PAR






如何查询有多个通识课程的学科的招生情况 (e.g.(英语、数学、通讯),并按种族/民族/性别分类






What is an SAO? What types of SAOs are there?

How to Assess SAOs: Your Data, IR Data, and/or Surveys

An Example of Setting a Goal for the Next PAR Cycle


问:我点击了模板中的一个链接,但它打不开. Why not?

Answer微软套件产品和恶意软件似乎有问题. (This is a Microsoft issue and not something we can fix.) If you have trouble opening any link, 然后只需复制链接,将其粘贴到打开的浏览器窗口中,它就应该打开了.

当Safari是默认浏览器时,一些Mac用户似乎也会遇到问题. We suggest using a different default browser (e.g., Chrome) and then the links should be click-able.


问:为什么我必须先填写一个电子模板,然后再填写 the information in Qualtrics? Isn't that duplicative?

Answer:简单地说,电子模板允许您将文档上传到GoogleDrive or OneDrive and collaborate in real time. This is not possible to do in Qualtrics. qualics使我们能够更容易地分析、综合和可视化数据. The second 从模板中复制粘贴数据到Qualtrics的步骤只需要15-30分钟 分钟,但允许高级分析,报告和大学分布 wide-trends. There is a ppt that explains the "whys?" of this process in detail. 


问:对于资源请求,我们是否将所有请求都输入到项目和区域审查中 (包括我们正在进行的常规资金)或者只是常规之外的新请求 ongoing funding?

Answer: PRAC advises the campus to enter new requests only. Supply needs should be global in nature, not specific.


问:在PAR模板“规划”部分和“资源请求”中,我们是 advised to align goals and requests with the Educational Master Plan (EMP). The EMP is 104 pages! Can you be a little more specific?

Answer教育总体规划有五个“关键任务优先事项” 通过协作过程,从不同的校园成分寻求反馈. 这些优先事项是:公平,机会,教学和实践,学术和职业成功, and Community and Partnerships. You can learn about these priorities on pages 7-11 (PDF格式)教育总体规划(亦编号为文件第2-6页). 我们建议将目标和资金要求与五个关键任务优先事项保持一致.


问:当我在10月7日把我的PAR模板交给我的院长/经理时,我该怎么办 I include?


  • Academic/Service/Administrative electronic PAR template
  • 分类优先排序请求表(如适用,每个分类职位请求一份)
  • Faculty prioritization form (if applicable)
  • 告诉你的院长/经理,如果你已经填写了CE资助申请中的任何一个 your resource requests, if applicable
  • 如果您已经填写了SASE资助申请,请告诉您的院长/经理 of your resource requests, if applicable
  • 学术课程:请与你的院长确认他们是否/要求什么 for discipline plans



AnswerPRAC希望更好地组织资金响应,以便所有请求都属于 一个项目,但在不同的类别,因此去不同的委员会 for funding decisions (e.g., technology, facilities, human resources, etc.) will get 一个资助回应,而不是让他们的部分项目得到一些资助 committees, but not the whole project.